I need to have this baby today
...and here's how it went.
I need to have this baby today - is that true?
Well, no. I don't need to. I just kind of want to. Or at least that's what I keep thinking, anyway.
I need to have this baby today - how do you react when you think that thought (and you are apparently NOT having the baby today)?
I get disappointed, frustrated, bored, discouraged, think that the future will be better than right now (ha! ask me that when I've had no sleep for 6 weeks!), see pregnancy as a burden, feel like I have to 'do something' to intervene, feel pressure to 'make it happen' somehow, get impatient...
Who would you be without the thought I need to have this baby today?
Peaceful, open, trusting, allowing, relaxed...like I was before. I would allow things to be as they are and I would get on with my life instead of putting it on hold. I would enjoy what is going on right now and savor these last moments before a big change comes!
Turn it around: I need to have this baby today=
I don't need to have this baby today. That is true. I mean, reality tells me that apparently I'm NOT having this baby today, so either I know more than God, or things are going exactly as they ought to.
It's also true because I haven't had the baby yet, and I'm still alive. I'm doing just fine. I'm doing really well, actually! I am healthy, and the baby is healthy; there is no ACTUAL need (as in medical emergency) to get this baby out. Thank heaven.
Another turnaround: This baby needs to have me today. Way truer. I've got plenty to do, but baby apparently needs to still have my body to roost in for awhile. Apparently it still needs to be inside, because it is. I trust babies. I trust my body. This is much better - I'd really rather just wait until the baby chooses to come.
Yet another turnaround: I want to have this baby today. Yes, a want is very different than a need. And at this point I can't even say that's true for me that I WANT to have the baby today. What's truer is I want the baby to come when it's ready.
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