Monday, August 6, 2007

"I want dinner from Cafe Rio."

A fun one from Aug. 6, 2007. It goes goes to show how the work can bring clarity to things that seem silly and trivial... Turns out there are more to my wants than I think!

Belief: I want dinner from Café Rio. Is it true?


Can I absolutely know it’s true that I want dinner from Café Rio?

No – it might be something else I want that seems to look like dinner from Café Rio but I can’t really know that dinner from Café Rio is what I really want.

How do I react when I believe the thought?

I feel guilty for spending more money on dining out. I worry. I have to justify it. Nothing here in my fridge looks good. I feel guilty for having spent $175 at the grocery store yesterday only to go out and spend more money and not use what I just bought.

Who would I be without the thought?

Cheerfully looking through my cupboards and fridge, preparing something wonderful to eat. Satisfied and peaceful.

Turn it around: I don’t want dinner from Café Rio.

This could be as true – I really just want dinner. It doesn’t have to be from Café Rio.

I want dinner from me.

This feels truer – I want me to feed myself and be resourceful with what I have.

I think I’ll go make dinner.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dogs should not shed or bark and should come when called!

This is a good one. From January 31, 2007:


Dogs shouldn’t shed all over the place, bark at the door, and should come in when called.

Dogs shouldn’t make the floor dirty and unsanitary for my infant son. I should have a place to sit on the floor without getting dog hair all over myself. I shouldn’t have to clean up after them all the time.

1. Is it true (the belief from above)?

The reality is that they do shed, bark, and ignore me sometimes.

And I do have to clean up after them all the time (if I want a clean house).

2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

I can’t know that I would be happier but I sure think I would. It really looks like my life would be much easier if I didn’t have to deal with the dogs all the time. So, I don't know.

3. How do you react when you think that thought?

I get so angry and so frustrated and so tired.

I feel like a prisoner in my own house.

I HATE the dogs.

I couldn’t care less about them.

I am mean to them

I yell at them

I smack them in frustration sometimes

I worry that my angst towards them will have a negative impact on my son (being a bad example)

I get mad at them all the time

I am resentful

I hate sweeping the floor

I hate cleaning off the furniture

I hate the house I live in because it feels like there is no space for me

I don’t talk to my husband because I think my negative feelings about the dogs will hurt his feelings

I think that I want to get rid of the dogs

I keep them in the laundry room and avoid them

I see them as a nuisance and a major pain in the butt

I sometimes ignore them

I don’t feel love for them anymore

I don’t play with them

I don’t interact with them except out of anger

I get annoyed by them

I feel totally out of control and I hate myself

I hate how I feel about them! I feel like a total jerk.

Can you see a reason to drop that thought? (And please don’t try to drop it.)


4. Who would you be without this thought?

First and foremost I would have no negative reaction to hair, barking, or disobedience.

I wouldn’t have any problem with the floor.

I would just clean up or ask for help cleaning up.

I would probably make some kind of routine.

I would be more responsible for the fact that I do have dogs, they do shed, they are not obedient, and they bark.

Without the thought I might just accept all of that.

I would be more peaceful.

I would not get angry, yell at them, or hit them. I would understand that they do what they do until they don’t. For example:

If Daisy knew how to come when called, she would.

If I knew how to train them better, I would.

If they knew how not to bark, they would.

If they knew that they were not allowed on the couch, they wouldn’t sit on it.

I could put the dogs in ‘project mode’ and realize that I have a certain amount of time set aside and a plan in place to take care of and work with them. THEN I could decide whether or not to get rid of them. :)

I would probably give them everything I’ve got.

I would be patient and kind and loving with them. I would make designated DOG areas and make areas that they are NOT allowed in, to be kind to myself.

I would have a door installed between the kitchen and the front room to limit their access to places that I want to keep free of dog hair.

I would get Daisy to a training class. I would probably make training my dogs a priority.

Turn the thought around.

Dogs SHOULD shed all over the place, bark at the door, and NOT come in when called.

-I notice that’s the reality of it. Dogs bark and shed! They can't help it! And I haven't sufficiently trained them anyway.

Other turnarounds:

-I shouldn’t shed all over the place (I shed my clothing and dishes in piles)
-I shouldn’t bark at the dogs (for barking at the door).
-I shouldn’t call them when I know they won’t come in!
-Dogs SHOULD make the floor dirty and unsanitary for my son. (I notice they do. But I could also inquire into the big 'threat' I seem to think the floors present.)
-I shouldn’t make the floor dirty and unsanitary for my son (by not cleaning up the dog hair in an effective way).
Clean floors are not the dog’s business – they are mine.
I should make the floor clean and sanitary for my son. (True- if that is what I want. Again, it’s my business, not the dog’s.They are my floors after all) (and is that even true?)
I shouldn’t have a place to sit on the floor without getting dog hair all over myself. (If the reality is that I don’t, then I shouldn’t. However, I would question this as well –

Is it true I don’t have a place to sit on the floor?

Can I know it would be in my best interest to have a place to sit on the floor?

(I do have a place to sit on the floor – upstairs. I just don’t use it all that often.)

Still going....

The dogs should have a place to sit on the couch without getting hair all over it.
The dogs should have a place to sit without getting hair all over the floor.
(It's their house too, apparently!)

I should have to clean up after them all the time. (I should, if what I want is a clean house. I should clean all the time because I notice I do. OK not ALL the time. I should do the work on that too… I 'have' to clean up all the time…)